Foreman City Hall is the hub of city operations and houses offices for the Mayor, City Recorder/Treasurer, and Foreman Municipal Waterworks. The City Hall is centrally located at 209 Schuman St. and the normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. Office is closed from 12pm to 1pm for lunch and on all government holidays.
We welcome your interests and encourage open communication between all citizens and City Hall officials. We’re here to serve you. In addition, our offices are often made aware of opportunities for citizen involvement or have needs of volunteers for specific community projects. To find out more of learn where you can get involved, contact City Hall.
City Hall
209 Schuman St.
P.O. Box 10
Foreman, AR 71836
Mayor (870) 542-6050
Recorder/Treasurer (870) 542-7434
Water Department (870) 542-6234