October 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes
General section for the main site.
New Online Payment Option
Foreman is proud to announce that you now have the option to pay your bills online. We have partnered with NextBillpay.net and now you have the come to the website and pay your bills. The following link will take you to the site you will be paying on please read the following instructions to get started. We have also added the Online Bill Payment link to the top menu for all future use.
“To begin your quick and easy bill payment you must agree to the following: If your account is delinquent, disconnected, or in the disconnect process, you MUST contact our office BEFORE you make a payment. Services will not automatically be restored or prevent disconnection if payment is made without contacting our office FIRST! Any payments made after the 10th of the month are subject to late fees.
City of Foreman Water: (870) 542-6234 – Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm.
IMPORTANT: City of Foreman Water is not liable if you receive a disconnect notice and do not call our office before making payment. Your services may be disconnected and will be subject to a reconnect fee. If you are disconnected, your account balance plus a reconnect fee will need to be paid in FULL before services are reconnected. If you are currently disconnected and make an online payment, your utilities WILL NOT be reconnected unless you contact our office to inform us of the payment.”
Public Meeting Notice
The Foreman Water Department will hold a public meeting on Monday, July 13th at 6:00 pm at Foreman Community Center, 200 Schuman St., Foreman, Arkansas.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the installation of new water meters throughout the City.
Discussion will include:
· What is the purpose of the new water meters?
· When will the installation occur?
· Will there be any disruption in service?
· Is there an initial cost or connection fee?
· How will this affect my water bill?
· How will this benefit the homeowner?
Representatives will be present to answer any additional questions you may have.
The Public is encouraged to attend.
***Update on New Water Lines***
Starting June 16, there may be times when you will not have water because they will be tying in the new lines. This could last for a few days starting at 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. There are about seven sections to tie in.
Thank you for your patience!
Cleanup Day a Big Success!
The annual FOREMAN CLEAN UP day was a huge success. We hope to have another in the fall of the year to continue with the beautification of our city.
Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped!!
Alana Cody, Jimbo Cody, Velva Lansdell, Ricky Lansdell, Cheryl Slaton, JL Gauldin, Theresa Woods,
Lydia Cody, Riki Hawkins, Kim Horn, Barbara Horn, Kim Cody, Archie Cody, Karen McElhannon,
Perry Young, Ruthie Mason, Chuck Mason, JoAnn Dickens, Ashley Gallagher, Sandy McDonald,
Sam Palmore, Michael Palmore, Richard Beasley, Matt Hadaway, H aley, Eddie Smith, Gary Grant, Madison Grant,
Paula McAllister, Angela Trim, Alex Sharp, Charlie McDonald, Whit Hinton
Softball Luncheon
The Lady Gator Softball team is having a BBQ Chicken dinner at the Foreman Community Center Sunday, February 22, 2014 from 10:30am to 2:00pm. The menu is BBQ Chicken, red potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert and tea. Cost is $7.00 a plate. Come out and support our Lady Gator Softball team!!
Municipal Codes
Table of Contents
TITLE 1 - General Provisions
TITLE 2 - Classification, Administration and Personel
TITLE 2 - Classification, Administration and Personel: Amended Ordinance 339 (City Attorney)
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 328 added
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 330 added
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 335 (Amended 2019 Budget)
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 336 (2020 Budget)
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 331 added
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 340 (Sales Tax Reallocation)
TITLE 3 - Fiscal Affairs: Amended Ordinance 341 (Sales Tax Special Election)
TITLE 4 - Buisness Licenses and Regulations
TITLE 5 - Health and Sanitation
TITLE 5 - Health and Sanitation: Amended ordinance 332
TITLE 5 - Health and Sanitation: Ordinance 337 (Garbage Rate Increase 3-2020)
TITLE 5 - Health and Sanitation: ORDINANCE NO 350 (Garbage Rate Increase)
TITLE 6 - Animals and Fowl
TITLE 6 - Animals and Fowl: Amended Ordinance 338 (Animal Control)
TITLE 7 - Public Peace, Safety and Morals
TITLE 7 - Public Peace, Safety and Morals: Amended 7.32 Posting of Ordinances added Ordinance 326
TITLE 8 - Vehicles and Traffic
TITLE 8 - Vehicles and Traffic: Amended 8.28 Vacant Streets & Alleys added Ordinance 324
TITLE 8 - Vehicles and Traffic: Amended Ordinance 342 (Truck)
TITLE 9 - Streets and Sidewalks
TITLE 10 - Utilities
TITLE 10 - Utilities: Amended Ordinance 325 added
TITLE 10 - Utilities: Amended Ordinance 329 added
TITLE 10 - Utilities: Amended Ordinance 334 (Water Rates)
TITLE 10 - Utilities: Amended Ordinance 343 (Water Rate Increase)
TITLE 10 - Utilities: ORDINANCE NO 349 (Water Rate Increase) 2023
TITLE 10 - ORDINANCE NO 352 (Water-Sewer Rate Increase (6-2024)
TITLE 11 - Buildings and Construction
TITLE 11 - Buildings and Construction: Amended 11.20 Housing Code added Ordinance 323
TITLE 12 - Parks and Recreation
TITLE 12 - Parks and Recreation: Amended ordinance 333 (Park Regulations)
TITLE 13 - Planning
TITLE 13 - Planning: ORDINANCE NO 345 (Creating a Planning Commission)
TITLE 13 - Planning: ORDINANCE 346 (Temporary Moratorium Mobile Homes-Manufactured Homes)
TITLE 14 - Zoning
TITLE 14 - Zoning: ORDINANCE NO 351 (Zoning)
TITLE 14 - Zoning: ORDINANCE NO 351(Zoning Map)
TITLE 15 - Subdivision Regulations
Saturday, April 18th Cleanup Day!
Saturday, April 18th, there will be a Foreman city-wide cleanup day.
We will began that morning, break for lunch, (lunch will be provided for all volunteers!), and finish up after lunch.
All volunteers will be greatly appreciated! Parents of high school kids, this a good opportunity for your child to earn community service hours for future scholarships.
If you want to bring your own weed eaters, rakes, etc, that would be great! Let’s give Foreman a face-lift!!!